A blog by a fashion lover stuck in the body of an overworked advertising graduate student. With a love for fashion and ADvertising, she has become a fADshionista.

Friday, April 16, 2010

About fADshion

As part of my Fashion Advertising and Promotions class at Syracuse, we have been collecting fashion advertisements throughout the semester. Some as part of our units surrounding various topics from perfume to weddings and others that I have pulled from magazines and online of the good, bad and ugly of fashion advertising.

In order to merge my aspirations of working in social media and creating a clip file of these advertisements for the end of the semester, I have decided to take this clip file live for the whole world to read.

In the next few days and upcoming weeks, keep coming back for my insights into many fashion advertisements you may have seen in your fashion magazines. I hope my thoughts may spark conversations about what YOUR views may be on fashion advertising and I'm certainly hoping to hear them!

Hopefully this blog will continue beyond this semester and perhaps some of my personal work will be integrated on here as well, but only time will tell.

Peace, Love and Fashion. CC

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got the same email, and ps it doesn't really let me know about the bra, now does it? The naked campaign is so ironic since they gave multiple lectures when I worked there about our motto being "sexy and sophisticated," when in reality 50% of the store stuff is trash. For the launch of the new body line we had to wear black bras with white shirts, how sophisticated is that? stay classy vs.

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